Forget how, let’s start with why. Why should you take the trouble of narrating your brand story? For heaven’s sake, where are those good, old, simple marketing days where you could just catch hold of a potential buyer and shout out the product attributes to him?
Well, those days are gone. And, they are gone for good. Today’s marketplace is overcrowded and over-competitive. And, thanks to the advent of internet, buyers have complete control on when, why and how they want to read content and view advertisements.
Bombarding them with commercials in the movie theatre, making cold calls and spamming their mailbox isn’t cutting it anymore. When it comes to marketing your products or building your brand, you don’t need to hammer them. There are other ways to woo your target audience.
Here’s how to tell a brand story that helps build trust:
Start with the status quo– Start from when you are standing right now, and tell your TG how you got here. Share the journey that made you who you are today. And, while you are at it, don’t throw a bunch of cold hard numbers at your TG. Weave a real story with emotional cues.
Expect reaction from your audience– And, not sales. Make them laugh, make them cry or make them sad and angry. Your story must have an angle, and you can pat your back about your story-telling skills only when your audience reacts to your story in the way you want them to.
Build conflict– Nobody likes a story that’s all rosy and cozy. Because, that’s unreal and that mocks life! Tell your TG about the hurdles and the dead ends. Tell them about how you snapped out of the bad times. Your brand story must engage, encourage and motivate.
Sell solutions– Don’t just sell them a product; sell them a solution. To do that, resonate with the problems your TG is facing, and tell them how you can make them go away with the product that you are offering. Want to talk about product attributes and benefits? Tell them how unique you are! Make them a promise, and make sure you live up to it.
The Conclusion
In the end, you must realize how easy it is to sell a product but how difficult it is to build a brand. Let us help you with that. Call us @ +91 22 23682245 / 8998 and tell us your brand story. We will tell it to the world. We will weave it into videos and blogs, website content and product descriptions. We will build campaigns around it to ensure better brand awareness and ROI for your business. To avail our branding services, you can also write to us at We are looking forward to hear from you!
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